Is being Raped the Victim's fault?
In countries like Pakistan and India, a woman can rarely say that she has not been harassed or abused even once in her life. With babies and girls as young as 2 becoming a victim of abuse, countries such as these are one of the most dangerous countries for a woman to be born in. While movements such as #metoo and #timesup have completely taken over the chauvinistic world by storm, it is still imperative to note that there are still millions of women out there who have yet to come forward with their stories of abuse. So, why is it that even with movements and organisations such as these, women still feel compelled to hide the truth? Well, the answer is a little more complicated than one might think. The Log Kya Kahenge (What Will People Say) Mentality There are numerous reasons why women refuse to report their experiences and even hide them from friends and family. However, one of the biggest reasons is said to be self-blame. This practice of self-blaming is not only caused by the ...